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Full Family Access. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
Sign Up For An Annual Plan & Get 35% Off!
All amounts are shown in US dollars
273US$Every yearFull Family Access (12 Months) priced in USD- ✔️ Full Family Access
- ✔️ Over 6 million questions
- ✔️ 1000's of Video Course Material
- ✔️ Personalised Worksheets
- ✔️ Advanced progress reporting
- ✔️ Aligned to 2020 Curriculum
- ✔️ Performance Notifications
- ✔️ Formative & Summative Assessment
- ✔️ Country-specific Curriculum
- ❌ English Tutoring
- ✔️ Maths Tutoring
- Best Value
Maths & English
351US$Every yearFull Family Access (12 Months) priced in USD- ✔️ Full Family Access
- ✔️ Over 6 million questions
- ✔️ 1000's of Video Course Material
- ✔️ Personalised Worksheets
- ✔️ Advanced progress reporting
- ✔️ Aligned to 2020 Curriculum
- ✔️ Performance Notifications
- ✔️ Formative & Summative Assessment
- ✔️ Country-specific Curriculum
- ✔️ English Tutoring
- ✔️ Maths Tutoring
273US$Every yearFull Family Access (12 Months) priced in USD- ✔️ Full Family Access
- ✔️ Over 6 million questions
- ✔️ 1000's of Video Course Material
- ✔️ Personalised Worksheets
- ✔️ Advanced progress reporting
- ✔️ Aligned to 2020 Curriculum
- ✔️ Performance Notifications
- ✔️ Formative & Summative Assessment
- ✔️ Country-specific Curriculum
- ✔️ English Tutoring
- ❌ Maths Tutoring
All amounts are shown in US dollars
WAS $419.40
WAS $539.40
WAS $419.40
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I cancel at anytime?
Yes, if you have taken up the monthly subscription, you can cancel at anytime, no problem. If you've taken out the annual subscription, drop us an email and we'll close your account immediately and no further is payable.
Can I review my child's progress?
Within your FutureSchool account is the Reports section, that allows you to see what they're up to, what lessons they've done and are about to do, you will see their results, how long they've been using the system for and so much more!
What is FutureSchool?
Everything to do with the educational side of FutureSchool has been strategically constructed by qualified teachers to give your child a comprehensive learning experience that is the equivalent to learning in a school environment, only children can learn at their own pace. The operational and technical side of FutureSchool (things like the website and delivery of lessons) has been created by our software technicians.
How do I pay for the programme?
There are two ways you can pay for FutureSchool programme; monthly or annually. The monthly subscription option has no fixed term and can be cancelled at anytime. The annual plan allows you to have 12 month access to the FutureSchool programme at a much lower monthly fee paid in full.
What age do you cover?
Our programme is designed for school children starting from as young as reception all the way to their last year of school (Year 12).

"Why I love FutureSchool!"
"Before we started on the program, there were many times in the class that I didn’t know the answer. I never wanted to be picked by the teacher to answer a question either because I was simply afraid of being embarrassed in front of the other kids, so I would always be looking down when the teacher asked a question. Now it is different! I want to be picked because I do know the answer. I don’t show off or anything, but when the teacher does ask a question I now put my hand up and I can now look her straight in the eye and it makes me feel great! I am 15 years of age and it gives me fantastic confidence to want to do better all the time. Thank you FutureSchool and I would appreciate you doing something in Science, too."
Catherine Thomas
Westmead, Happy Mum